Rectangular Aperture

All values provided are intended for rapid comparison purposes, only. Please refer to a specific product’s Product Data Sheet (PDS) and the disclaimers therein for a detailed listing of all characteristics, associated definitions and values needed for structure design, specification compliance review and product submittal purposes. Please Download PDS for all information transfer, printing and submittal purposes.

Unless noted otherwise, all values are minimum average roll values (MARV)
Rectangular Aperture Specifications
PropertyTest MethodEnglishUnit (Metric Unit)TerraGrid® RX4100TerraGrid® RX1100TerraGrid® RX1200TerraGrid® RX1300TerraGrid® SX1515TerraGrid® SX2020TerraGrid® SX3030
Geometric 1 12
Aperture SizeMeasuredin (mm)1.3 x 1.3 (33 x 33)0.9 x 1.3 (23 x 30)1.0 x 1.3 (25 x 33)1.8 x 2.5 (46 x 64)1.3 x 1.3 (33 x 33)1.3 x 1.3 (33 x 33)1.3 x 1.3 (33 x 33)
Rib DepthMeasuredin (mm)0.03 x 0.03 (0.76 x 0.76)0.04 x 0.03 (1.0 x 0.76)0.06 x 0.05 (1.5 x 1.27)0.05 x 0.05 (1.27 x 1.27)0.04 x 0.04 (1.0 x 1.0)0.05 x 0.045 (1.27 x 1.14)0.09 x 0.06 (2.3 x 1.5)
Aperture ShapeObserved ()Rectangular (Rectangular)Rectangular (Rectangular)Rectangular (Rectangular)Rectangular (Rectangular)Square (Square)Square (Square)Square (Square)
Aperture Open AreaMeasured% (%)73 (73)73 (73)73 (73)75 (75)75 (75)75 (75)73 (73)
Rib ShapeObserved ()Rectangular (Rectangular)Rectangular (Rectangular)Rectangular (Rectangular)Rectangular (Rectangular)Rectangular (Rectangular)Rectangular (Rectangular)Rectangular (Rectangular)
Mechanical 2 3 12
Tensile Strength (Ultimate)ASTM D6637lbs/ft (kN/m)880 x 920 (12.8 x 13.5)850 x 1,300 (12.4 x 19.0)1,310 x 1,970 (19.2 x 28.8)1,100 x 1,920 (16.0 x 28.0)1,030 x 1,030 (15.0 x 15.0)1,370 x 1,370 (20.0 x 20.0)2,055 x 2,055 (30.0 x 30.0)
Tensile Load @ 2% StrainASTM D6637lbs/ft (kN/m)270 x 380 ( 4.0 x 5.5)280 x 450 (4.1 x 6.6)410 x 620 (6.0 x 9.0)380 x 650 (5.5 x 9.5)350 x 350 (5.1 x 5.1)480 x 480 (7.0 x 7.0)720 x 720 (10.5 x 10.5)
Tensile Load @ 5% StrainASTM D6637lbs/ft (kN/m)550 x 720 (8.0 x 10.5)580 x 920 (8.5 x 13.4)810 x 1,340 (11.8 x 19.6)720 x 1,200 (10.5 x 17.5)700 x 700 (10.2 x 10.2)960 x 960 (14.0 x 14.0)1,440 x 1,440 (21.0 x 21.0)
Junction Efficiency4 5ASTM D7737% (%)93 (93)93 (93)93 (93)93 (93)93 (93)93 (93)93 (93)
Flexural Rigidity6ASTM D7748mg-cm (mg-cm)250,000 (250,000)250,000 (250,000)750,000 (750,000)450,000 (450,000)250,000 (250,000)750,000 (750,000)2,000,000 (2,000,000)
Aperture Stability7ASTM D7864m-N/deg (m-N/deg)0.28 (0.28)0.32 (0.32)0.65 (0.65)0.58 (0.58)0.31 (0.31)0.50 (0.50)0.75 (0.75)
Durability 1 12
UV Degradation Resistance8 10ASTM D4355% (%)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)
Carbon Black ContentASTM D1603% (%)0.5 (0.5)0.5 (0.5)0.5 (0.5)0.5 (0.5)2.0 (2.0)2.0 (2.0)2.0 (2.0)
Chemical Damage Resistance9 10 12EPA 9090A% (%)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)100 (100)
Installation Damage Resistance10 11ASTM D5818/D6637 ()SC-95/SW-95/GP-90 (SC-95/SW-95/GP-90)SC-95/SW-95/GP-90 (SC-95/SW-95/GP-90)SC-95/SW-95/GP-90 (SC-95/SW-95/GP-90)SC-95/SW-95/GP-90 (SC-95/SW-95/GP-90)SC-95/SW-95/GP-90 (SC-95/SW-95/GP-90)SC-95/SW-95/GP-90 (SC-95/SW-95/GP-90)SC-95/SW-95/GP-90 (SC-95/SW-95/GP-90)
Standard Packaging 1 12
Widthft (m)12.5 (3.81)12.5 (3.81)12.5 (3.81)12.5 (3.81)12.5 (3.81)12.5 (3.81)12.5 (3.81)
Lengthft (m)328 (100)328 (100)246 (75)164 (50)328 (100)246 (75)164 (50)
AreaSY (m2)456 (381)456 (381)342 (286)228 (191)456 (381)342 (286)228 (191)
Product Data SheetsDownload TerraGrid® RX4100 Apples PDSDownload TerraGrid® RX1100 Apples PDSDownload TerraGrid® RX1200 Apples PDSDownload TerraGrid® RX1300 Apples PDSDownload TerraGrid® SX1515 Apples PDSDownload TerraGrid® SX2020 Apples PDSDownload TerraGrid® SX3030 Apples PDS
  1. All geometric properties are nominal values and may vary.
  2. All mechanical properties are based on the manufacturer's laboratory test resulsts at 21±1°C.
  3. Unless indicated otherwise, values shown are minimum average roll values determined in accordance with ASTM D4759.
  4. Expressed as a comparison of ASTM D7737 strength to ASTM D6637 strength of the same sample.
  5. ASTM D7737 performed at 10% per minute strain rate.
  6. Using specimens 2 ribs wide with ribs transverse to the specimen cut flush with the exterior edges of the ribs in the direction of the specimen.
  7. Resistance to in-plane rotational moment of 20 kg-cm.
  8. 500 hour exposure.
  9. 120 day immersion testing.
  10. Expressed as a percentage of Ultimate Tensile Strength.
  11. Silty Sand (SM), Graded Aggregate Base (GP-GM), and AASHTO NO.57 (GP)
  12. Hanes Geo reserves the right to change this specification at any time. The user is responsible to verify/use/reference the latest Product Data Sheet.